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Exercising During Pregnancy for New Moms

Exercise is great for most pregnant women, but not all exercises are appropriate. There are many different benefits to exercising while pregnant, as well as different warning signs of trouble. It's important that the mother listens to her body, to prevent overdoing it. Women who regularly exercised before they were pregnant will have little difficulty continuing their fitness routines during pregnancy, but that doesn't mean that women who didn't work out before pregnancy should miss out on reaping the benefits of physical activity now that they are expecting.

Benefits Of Exercise During Pregnancy

There are a number of benefits to exercising while pregnant. Exercise can help with many of the less than pleasant pregnancy symptoms that women often experience. Things like constipation, hemorrhoids, cramps and swelling can all be eased by the increased circulation found in cardiovascular exercise.

Exercise can also help with back pain. As pregnancy progresses, the extra weight, girth and shifting center of gravity puts a lot of strain on the lower back, so by strengthening those muscles, women can relieve some of the discomfort.

Exercise also helps with the insomnia that many women experience during pregnancy. Exercise helps relieve stress and burns off some of the excess "nesting" energy that will keep women awake at night.
Conversely, exercise also helps with fatigue during the day. Exercise provides an energy boost while strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system so everyday tasks can be accomplished with less effort. And the earlier a woman starts the better because the increased endurance will come in handy during the long process of labor and delivery.

Exercising during pregnancy and after delivery can lift the mood and help fight off the baby blues (postpartum depression). In addition, exercise helps maintain a healthy weight during the pregnancy, which will help Mom bounce back to her pre-pregnancy shape after delivery.

Remember, pregnant women should exercise because:
  • Exercise helps relieve pregnancy symptoms.
  • Exercise helps boost energy during the day, and relieve insomnia at night.
  • Exercise can help relieve postpartum blues.
  • Exercise helps maintain healthy weight during pregnancy and helps with weight loss after.
Recommended Exercises

During pregnancy, there are many types of exercise that are perfectly safe and provide numerous benefits to Mom and the baby. These include:
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Bicycling

Any exercise that is low-impact and pose no risk of falling is fine. It's important to remember that as pregnancy progresses and the body changes, balance becomes affected by the changing center of gravity. Many activities can be modified for pregnancy, such as bicycling. During pregnancy, it's recommended that a stationary or recumbent bike be used because it reduces the risk of falling while still providing the same cardiovascular and endurance benefits.

Weight training during pregnancy is fine as long as the weight isn't too heavy. Most doctors recommend a maximum of 20-to-25 pounds.

Exercises and Activities to Avoid

During pregnancy, the safety of the baby is paramount and as such there are several activities that should be avoided during pregnancy. Some of the exercises and activities that should be avoided during pregnancy are:
  • Running
  • Skiing
  • High impact aerobics
  • Contact sports
  • Any activity with a risk of falling such as roller blading or mountain climbing
  • Exercise at high altitude
  • Scuba diving
Some activities, such as running, may be safe if the woman was doing it before pregnancy, but to avoid falls on uneven pavement, she would want to switch to a treadmill and watch the speed and incline to avoid falling.

Downhill or water skiing are unsafe during pregnancy, but cross country skiing is great during pregnancy as it's a low impact way to increase endurance and enjoy the great outdoors, which will help lift mood and provide vitamin D, something many pregnant women are deficient in.

Exercise Safety Precautions

It is essential that pregnant women use caution when exercising. There are some safety precautions and warning signs to be aware of and pay attention to.
Remember while exercising:
  • Start slow. If just getting started, try classes that are designed for pregnancy.
  • Never exercise to the point of exhaustion. If mom can't catch her breath, baby isn't getting enough oxygen either.
  • Avoid excessive heat.
  • Take frequent breaks.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and supportive shoes.
  • Avoid uneven terrain, as it can lead to falls.
If a pregnant woman experiences any of these symptoms during exercise, she should stop immediately and contact her doctor.
  • Dizziness or light headedness
  • Feeling overheated
  • Shortness of breath that is unusual
  • Muscle cramps
  • Pain of any kind
  • Chest pain or racing heartbeat
  • Uterine contractions
  • Fluid leaking from the vagina
  • Vaginal bleeding
Exercise is great for expectant mothers and their babies, but Mom must always remember to be careful and listen to her body. If in doubt, she should stop, rest and contact her doctor before starting an exercise regimen while pregnant.

Ten Common Breast Cancer Risk Factors


Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer, but the good news is that it's also one of the most treatable, as long as it's caught early. One of the ways that people can ensure that it is caught early is to know their risk factors. Those who have increased risk factors for developing breast cancer can have their doctor begin screening for it earlier. Here are 10 common risk factors for developing breast cancer.

Being A Woman

The vast majority of breast cancer cases affect women. However, this doesn't mean that it's impossible for men to develop breast cancer. In fact, the American Cancer Society estimates that in 2012, nearly 2,200 men will develop breast cancer and just over 400 will die from it. However, just being a woman already places a person at risk for developing breast cancer.


There are certain genes that are passed from parent to child that make a person more susceptible to developing cancer. There are two genes, called BRCA1 and BRCA2, which can have abnormal mutations that lead to breast cancer. Everyone has these genes and they are responsible for the health of breast tissue, but when they are abnormal, breast cancer can develop. The good news is that those with a family history of breast cancer have the option of being screened for these mutations, which means that it's possible for individuals to know in advance if they have this increased risk.

 Race And Ethnicity

Caucasian women have a slightly higher risk of developing breast cancer, but African-American women have a higher risk of developing more aggressive, advanced stage cancers at a younger age than other demographics of women. Because of this, African-American women are also more likely to die from breast cancer.


As with many other diseases and conditions, the risk of developing breast cancer increases as a person gets older. In fact, two out of three cases of invasive breast cancer are diagnosed in women over the age of 55. Because of this, doctors will usually start screening women around the age of 40, unless they have other risk factors or they request earlier screening. And while no one can do anything about growing older, people can grow older and be healthier.

Being Overweight

Women who are overweight have a statistically higher incidence of breast cancer than women who are not overweight. Being overweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) over 25. This risk is caused by fat cells. Fat cells produce estrogen, and breast cancer tumors are often called "estrogen dependent" tumors. The location of the extra weight matters as well. Extra fat around the belly may cause more of a risk than extra fat in the thighs and buttocks, but more research is needed to determine why this is.

Not Having Children

There are many benefits to having children, and one of them is the decreased risk of breast cancer. The reason is that breast tissue begins growing in adolescence, but breasts remain somewhat immature with active growth until a woman goes through her first full-term pregnancy. The most benefit is seen in women who have children before the age of 30. The hormones associated with pregnancy help to mature breast tissue and reduce the risk of cancer.

Not Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed a baby, but there are added benefits to the mother as well. Aside from plenty of uninterrupted cuddle time with baby, breastfeeding for at least the baby's first year has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer. There are a number of reasons for this. Breast tissue that is making milk 24 hours a day has less of a chance to misbehave as well as limiting the number of menstrual cycles that a woman has in her lifetime, thereby lowering her estrogen levels and reducing the likelihood of developing estrogen dependent breast tumors.

Family History

There is ample evidence to indicate that a woman with a first-degree family member with breast cancer (mother or sister) have twice as high a risk of developing breast cancer as someone who doesn't. A person with two first-degree family members is five times as likely to develop breast cancer. There is an even higher risk for those who have male first-degree relatives with breast cancer, though researchers aren't exactly sure how much of an increased risk exists.


It is no secret that cigarettes contain some of the most shocking chemicals known to man, many of which are known carcinogens, which means that they cause cancer. So aside from a woman's clothes, hair and breath smelling bad and looking bad, she is increasing her risk of developing breast cancer significantly each time she lights up. The good news is that the benefits of quitting can be seen almost immediately and it's never too late to quit.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone replacement therapy has been widely used by postmenopausal women to help ease the bothersome symptoms associated with menopause such as hot flashes and fatigue. However since the link between HRT and breast cancer was discovered in 2002, many women have opted to skip the hormones. But many more continue to use them and there is reason to believe that even those women who stopped using them have an increased risk of developing breast cancer because of the increased amount of estrogen in the body.

How to boost your metabolism

Research reveals that what we eat and how we work out can accelerate the body’s metabolism. So if you’re looking to shed those extra kilos, all you need to do is tweak your diet and exercise regimen to maximize the benefits of a soaring metabolism.

Red hot chilli peppers. The compound capsaicin found in chilli peppers has long been known for its ability to boost metabolism and curb cravings

Salmon wonder. Salmon is full of protein, and great for burning fat. But its Omega-3 content can boost metabolism, slow digestion and prevents cravings. So stock up on salmon!

Resistance training to build muscle. In addition to a cardio workout, make sure to include some strength training in your regimen. Building muscle can rev your metabolism tremendously as muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat.

Intense cardio to boost metabolism. 3 to 4 30-minutes sessions of intense cardio every week can spike the body’s metabolism and cause calories to be burned even after the workout. So lace up and break out a sweat at the soonest!

Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain. Studies reveal that women who sleep for five hours or less a night are more likely to gain weight. Lack of sleep restricts metabolism, and in addition, poor metabolism results in an increase in the production of hormone ghrelin which sends out a signal to the body to eat more.

Sip on some green tea. Green tea is known to contain elements that accelerate metabolism, and 3 cups of green tea can increase metabolism by upto 10 percent. Similarly, stay away from aerated drinks, alcohol and packaged juices that will increase bloat and the feeling of fatigue.

Detox your body. A seasonal detox is a great way remove toxins and improve metabolism and overall health. A glass of lukewarm water with a squeeze of lemon is a great way to detoxify your system. The digestive enzymes in the lemon, and its fibre will get your metabolism going and help digest all food consumed later in the day as well.
Make sure you Never skip breakfast. After a good night’s sleep, if the body doesn’t receive fuel, it will conserve energy by slowing down your metabolism. Along those lines, never skip a meal, and make sure to snack regularly (and healthy( so that your body is never left hungry at any point during the day.

Spices. Spices like cinnamon and turmeric can kick up your body’s metabolic rate and speed up the fat burning process, so make sure to incorporate spices in your diet. The more fiery, the better!

Vinegar. Vinegar contains an acid that signals the body to break down fat. It is especially useful while eating refined carbs, since the vinegar will burn fat and bring down blood-sugar levels.

Caffeine boost. A cup of coffee a day acts as a natural stimulus to your body, and can boost metabolism by five to eight percent.

Tank up on H2O. A recent study revealed that drinking even half a litre of water can increase metabolism by 30 percent, whereas dehydration will slow metabolism and increase hunger pangs and sluggishness.

Small, frequent meals. Eating smaller meals throughout the day can fire up your metabolism. Experts recommend eating 6 small meals a day at frequent intervals, rather than 2-3 meals of excessive portions spaced out across the day.

Citrus fruits. Oranges and grapefruits make for great snacks as they burn fat and give an additional boost to your metabolism.

Whole grains. Whole grains are full of fibre and complex carbs that help speed up the metabolic rate.

Less carbs, more protein. Stay away from junk food and processed fruit juices, and stick to proteins and fibre. Proteins have a high thermic effect, resulting in more calories being burned in the digestive process. Include lean protein sources like fish, chicken, beans or peanut butter in your diet to harness the metabolic benefits of protein.

Olive oil to burn fat. Olive oil contains healthy fats that boost metabolism and burn more body fat. So switch to olive oil today.

How to Lose Pregnancy Weight

Ladies, this one’s for you: If you’ve recently had a baby, you’re probably filled with the joy that a new life brings. Also, you’re probably exhausted and tired of hearing about celebrity moms who seem to lose pregnancy weight at the drop of a hat.
What those celebrities don’t tell you is that they have doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers, private chefs, and – if all else fails – Photoshop experts to help them look their best after pregnancy. What’s a regular mom to do?

There are plenty of things any woman can do to lose pregnancy weight in a healthy and sustainable way. Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

Call for Back-up

Private time is a precious commodity for new moms. To lose pregnancy weight, you’ll need to make time in your busy schedule for grocery shopping and exercise. That’s where friends and family come in.

Don’t try to do everything by yourself. Hand off your grocery list to your spouse, or ask Grandma to watch the baby while you exercise. Many recreation centers and gyms offer babysitting services, even for infants, to give you privacy while you get fit. Use the resources available in your community.

Nourish Your Body

Now is not the time to fill up on junk food, as tempting as it may sound. Pregnancy is hard on the body, but you can speed up your recovery by eating several small, balanced meals per day. Your calories should come from lean protein, green vegetables, high-fiber fruits, dairy products, and whole grains.

If you are breastfeeding, you will require more calories than normal to keep you and the baby healthy. Also, remember to drink plenty of water. New moms could require 64 to 128 ounces a day, especially while nursing.

Get Moving

Sometimes it takes all of a new mom’s energy just to get out of bed. But cardio exercise is important for staying healthy, and it will also help you lose pregnancy weight faster. You don’t have to commit to a gym workout; you could work in the garden while the baby naps in a shady spot, or you could go for a long walk while pushing the baby in a stroller.

Whenever possible, get 30 minutes of cardio 5 times a week. You will notice that your energy level actually goes up, while the scale goes down! A little bit of yoga can also reduce your stress and your weight. Try doing stretches and poses after you wake up for a burst of energy, and do your breathing and meditative exercises before bed for more restful sleep.

Stay Energized

It’s hard when you have a newborn, but it is important to find the time to get an adequate amount of sleep each night. This can be done by enlisting help from others, or by catching naps throughout the day to keep your energy up. Try to sleep when the baby sleeps to maximize your periods of rest.

Sleep helps us function, mentally and physically. Just a small sleep deficit (one to two hours a night) can cause problems such as lack of focus, compromised immune system, and delayed healing ability. Unfortunately, most people don’t sleep enough – and that’s especially true for new moms!

Take care of your loved ones by taking care of yourself. With a combination of nourishment, the right exercises, and plenty of rest, you’ll be on track to lose pregnancy weight fast.

How To Get Model Skinny Fast


Are you looking for ways on how to get model skinny fast? Unfortunately too many girls today are achieving their model look in an unhealthy way. This article will show you how to get that skinny, super model magazine look really fast by applying healthy methods and techniques that are proven to work.

1) Eat 5 – 7 Times Every Day – This will put your metabolism into fat burning overdrive. Its a great way to also give your body the nutrients it needs for energy and a healthy looking model skin. To work out how often you should be eating divide the amount of hours you are awake by 6. This answer is how often you need to eat a meal. Little and often is better than 2 – 3 heavy meals throughout your day.
2) The 8 X 8 Water Rule – As a model you need a fantastic, hydrated looking skin. By drinking lots of water you get 2 benefits. Firstly, you’ll remove all the unwanted toxins from body to keep your skin healthy looking. Secondly, by drinking water every day it enhances fat loss so you can achieve your skinny look quicker. 8 fl oz times 8 per day is the minimum you need to consume

3) Proteins, Sugars & Fats - To get skinny super fast you need to make sure you balance these 3 correctly. Eat protein with every meal. Use protein shakes and bars for convenience when life is hectic. Carbohydrates should come from the low glycemic index range. Fats are ok to be kept medium to high as your carb intake is low. This is a fat burning, metabolism boostingformula so apply it every day.

4) High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - Instead of doing long, enduring and boring steady state cardio, replace it with HIIT. Burns fat up to 9 times faster and you can use either gym cardio equipment or go running, swimming or cycling etc. You only need 3 x times 20 – 30 minute sessions per week for amazing fat burning results.

5) Reward Meals - To stop your metabolic rate from slowing down you must have reward meals. These are meals where every 7 – 10 days eat some junk or fast food. Yes, that means pizza, burgers, ice cream etc. Don’t feel guilty about doing this, you have to do it to keep yourself mentally on track and keep your metabolism speeded up.

This is how to get model skinny fast. There are lots of other techniques you can add to this routine.

How to Get Skinny Legs Sexy Legs


Ladies, are your legs starting to look a little thick? Pudgy upper legs and ankles can make a woman’s legs look shorter, making the woman swear off skirts, shorts, and skinny jeans forever. But it doesn’t have to be that way! You can get skinny legs in just a few months by following a few simple rules.

Note: Men can also benefit from these techniques, but ladies tend to store more fat on their legs – which is totally unfair, but true. Just listen to women discuss the dreaded “cankles”, calves that don’t slim down when they reach the ankle. Men don’t typically get fat ankles unless they are significantly overweight, but cankles can happen to women who are within or just above their healthy weight range.

Here’s some advice for anyone of either gender who wants to get skinny legs:

Leg-Slimming Exercises 

There are two steps to slimming down your legs. First, you must lose the extra body fat that’s padding them. Second, you must build lean muscle mass and tone your leg muscles.
There’s a proven formula for losing body fat: Get enough exercise to burn off more calories than you eat, and use toning and strengthening exercises to produce lean leg muscles.

 The best slimming routine contains a combination of cardio exercise and strength training. Any cardio will do; pick something you like, and keep at it. If you want to get skinny legs fast, go heavy on exercises that target your legs. Ride a bicycle, tread water, or go jogging through sand or water. You could also hit the gym and use the treadmill, cross-trainer, or stair-climbing machines.

Try to do 20 to 30 minutes of your chosen exercise every day, with a couple of “break” days to give your body time to recuperate.

To get skinny legs at the gym, use leg machines to work your inner and outer thighs, calves, and hip flexors. At home, try some classic leg exercises like leg lifts, lunges, and wall sits. Start by doing 3 sets of 30 leg lifts with each leg. Side and front leg lifts work different areas of your legs and abdomen, but all are effective. For wall sits, start by holding the sitting position for 15 seconds at a time, and work your way up. Stop when your thighs feel trembly and have difficulty supporting you.

Foods for Skinny Legs

For weight loss, nutrition is just as important as exercise. Some foods, like those containing sugar and corn syrup, can make your body produce too much insulin. The insulin makes you hungry, so you eat more. It’s a disastrous cycle to be in.

Give your diet a makeover by trading out saturated fats for healthier, unsaturated ones that actually help your heart. You don’t have to give up carbs, but you do need to choose healthier ones. Eat complex carbs that come from dark green vegetables, fruits high in water and fiber, and bread and pastas made from whole grains.

And don’t skip the eggs! Recent studies have shown that whole eggs aren’t harmful to your cholesterol, and can actually help you lose weight. Get at least three servings of dairy each day, and swap your morning coffee for green tea. Calcium and green tea leaves are proven fat-busters.

With the right diet and exercise, you’ll get skinny legs by swimsuit season!

How to Lose Leg Fat and Get Sexy Legs


Our legs carry us through our day, so it’s no wonder they tend to be quite muscular. But legs are also a problem area for many people because fat tends to accumulate there, particularly on the thighs.

If you’ve been wondering how to lose leg fat in a healthy way, you’re in luck! While there are no magic cures, there are plenty of proven strategies you can use to get slender, sexy legs.

Lose Leg Fat with Exercise

Our legs get a workout whenever we walk, but that’s not enough to burn away all the excess fat. To lose leg fat permanently, you’ll need to start a regular cardio routine and follow it up with some strength training.

Cardio exercise increases the heart rate and speeds up our fat-burning metabolism. Consult an online calculator to find your target heart rate for optimal fat burning, and choose an aerobic activity that keeps you in that zone for at least 20 minutes a day, 3 to 5 times a week.

Which exercise is the best? To target your legs, try swimming, cycling, jogging, or walking through sand or along the bottom of a swimming pool. If none of these options appeal to you, try sports or group exercise classes. The key is to find an activity you enjoy so that you will do it regularly without getting bored or feeling tortured.

It doesn’t hurt to start slowly, especially if you’re not accustomed to regular exercise. Choose a fun activity to do for 15 minutes a day, and work your way up to 30 minute sessions.
Strength training exercises can be done at a gym or at home. If you prefer the gym, use machines designed to give your legs a great workout. If you’d rather stay home, try squats, wall-sits, and lunges.

Lose Leg Fat through Diet

A highly thermogenic diet will help you lose leg fat faster. Thermogenic foods are thought to heat up the body’s core temperature, leading to a faster metabolism. While this idea has its share of skeptics, many swear by it. Some of the most thermogenic foods include tropical fruits, peppers, and green tea.

Fill in the rest of your diet with leafy green vegetables, low-fat dairy, whole eggs, lean meat, and whole grain products. Use sugar and salt sparingly, and opt for unsaturated fats instead of dangerous trans fats.

Lose Leg Fat by Losing Stress

Stress causes weight gain. When our bodies feel threatened (by stress, illness, or too-frequent dieting), they cling to their fat stores and start putting away more calories as fat. That’s because of a primal instinct for survival that helped our ancestors make it through times of famine.

Today, since few of us face the threat of famine, we simply accumulate fat. You can reduce your stress level and your body fat by doing yoga. Yoga relaxes the body and the mind, sending stress hormones packing.

For extra leg toning, look for poses that require you to balance on one foot, poses that require you to stand with bent knees, or floor poses that require you to hold your legs away from your body.

Note that you can’t lose leg fat without losing fat from the rest of your body. Take care of yourself by eating right and exercising, and your legs will shape up fast!